We've been pretty busy around these parts of town! I felt like pampering myself yesterday so I did something grandma would do, I called up my girl Ruthie at Spa85 and got my hair done. Grandma likes to make her appointments ahead of time but I'm what Ruthie calls a "caller". I like being a caller with self pampering things because when I plan them, It's not usually as enjoyable. Everybody prefers a certain thing to put their money towards, some prefer jeans, some prefer bags, some prefer fancy drinks.. I prefer a really good hair cutting experience. I like to look for a few things, laid back, clean, excellent bang trimmer, good music, nice smelling shampoos, cutting into the ends of the hair at the end of the cut, and a little silliness. Ruthie's got all this going on. I felt like a brand new little chick hatching from an egg when I walked out of there, and that's exactly how you should feel when you walk out of a spa, or a salon.
Im really beginning to feel like this is more of a preparation for The Hunger Games, rather than taking the place of Jane. Every time I take a seat grandpas got a brand new story to tell me, and a lesson to follow. We make pretty good partners. Yesterday we saw a robin in the yard and he told me "robins are the blue collars of birds, they're always working hard and digging for worms." I'm not a bird expert, but he has a great point.
When we pulled into the driveway from dinner tonight grandpa started singing a line Debbie Reynolds sings in Singin in the Rain, "heeeere we aaare! Sunset Boulevaaahd!" A little bit of him is definitely in me.
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