Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 8- Happy St. Patricks Day Grandpa!

When I was in Kindergarten, they used to do something at every snack time that repulsed me. They would dye the milk. I decided this would be a good trick to play on grandpa for St. Patrick's day. So last night I snuck into the kitchen and dyed the milk green.

He woke up like a ray of sunshine pretending he was tap dancing into the kitchen, and singing a little jig. We were discussing the weather when he discovered the "blue milk". Heheheheeee. He was laughing and calling me a turkey.

We spent a good part of our night chatting in the rocking chairs on the front porch. When I walked into the garden beds to take a picture of a flower, grandpa yelled to his neighbor Jimmy "Hey Jimmy! I got a new trophy wife!". Oh goodness..Then I started to feel like I was really becoming Jane when I left for the store and he called me "babe"...I'm the turkey..grandma's the babe!

Two pieces of advice grandpa gave me while we were having our cup of green coffee, and watching Cash Cab this morning.. 1- "remember, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future" and 2-"..take the money and run Lexi." He might be grandmas Jeffery, but maybe I'm Katniss, and he's my Haymitch.

the famous Pin Oak grandpa planted when they first moved in 46 years ago.

1 comment:

Jeannette Paladino said...

Grandpa discovering the green milk is sooooo funny!